Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Education Overview: Links to Education-Related Data, Concepts and Glossary Terms

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2014-07-18


    This concept provides an overview of the Education-related data available in the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) Data Repository, as well as the educational measurement / education-related terms and concepts that have been developed and defined in a variety of research published by MCHP. These items are listed and links to more detailed information are available.

Education Data

    The Education data available from the MCHP Data Repository includes elementary and secondary education (e.g.: enrollment, marks, and grade assessments) as well as post-secondary education data.

    For a list of Education data sets available in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository, please click on the following link:

    For more conceptual information on the Education data, please see:

    • Education Data concept; and
    • School Year (Education) Data concept - that provides additional detailed analyses of the enrollment, marks and standards testing results from 1995/1996 to 2006/2007. Analyses were performed and documented to gain an initial understanding of what type of data is available and the quality of this data.

Education-Related Concepts and Glossary Terms

    The concepts and glossary terms listed alphabetically below describe various education-related definitions, measures or calculations that have been used in MCHP research. Concept links provide more detailed information about a topic. Glossary terms provide a brief definition of the term. Click on the links below to access the individual concept or glossary term.

    • Academic Year / School Year (Term) - the period of time each year when most students attend school sessions, usually from early September to late June. In the data, the variable ACADYEAR (Academic year) is represented as a four digit, character variable (e.g. 2020) that indicates the beginning year of a school year, so ACADYEAR = 2020 would indicate the September 2020 to June 2021 school year.
    • Adult Learning (Term) - adult students registered in high school.
    • Adult Learning Centres (Term) - colleges, community centres and organizations affiliated with Adult Learning and Literacy in Manitoba that offer adult learning programs.
    • Adult Learning Centre Enrollment (Concept) - describes ALC and how to identify adult learners in the Education data.
    • Age Appropriate Grade Placement (Term) - in Manitoba, age-appropriate grade placement depends on both the month and year in which a child is born.

    • Birth/Grade Cohorts (Concept) - children can be categorized into groups, or cohorts, often according to their year of birth or grade in school. Often used when studying the developmental progress of children, as they can be compared to others in their cohort.

    • Continuing Student / Grade Repetition (Concept) - the term 'continuing' is used to describe students who have not acquired the minimum expectations/outcomes to proceed to the next grade level, and are continuing in the program at the same grade level for part or all of the next school year.
    • Curriculum Level / Academic Rigor (Concept) - this concept defines Curriculum Level / Academic Rigor and describes the methods used at MCHP to classify students into academic levels.

    • Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine (DSFM) (Term) - the school division in Manitoba that has been responsible for French-language schools since 1994.

    • Early Development Instrument (EDI) (Term) - a short, teacher-completed instrument which measures children's developmental vulnerability in five domains: physical health and well-being; social knowledge and competence; emotional health/maturity; language and cognitive development; and general knowledge and communication skills.
    • Education Data (Concept) - describes the Education data available in the MCHP Data Repository and provides links to additional detailed information about the data.
    • Education Enrolment Data and Enrolment Codes (Concept) - (internal access only) - this concept describes the collection, use and reporting of enrolment data and enrolment codes that are available from the Enrollment, Marks and Assessment data available in the MCHP Data Repository.
    • Education Indices (Concept) - Education indices were created to help describe an individual's educational attainment. They include the Language Arts Achievement Index, the Mathematics Achievement Index and the Grade 9 Achievement Index.
    • Education Information System (EIS) (Term) - an integrated database that facilitates departmental, divisional, and school-based planning and decision making.
    • Education Level (Term) - the percent of the population aged 25-44 years with no high school-level education.
    • Education Quartiles (Term) - an ordinal measure used to categorize the population into 4 equal groups, based on the level of education achieved.
    • Enrolled Below Grade for Age (Term) - a yes/no indicator for students who are enrolled in a grade level below the expected level according to their age.
    • Exempt (Term) - an yes/no indicator of for students who are exempt from writing a standards test.

    • Failed (Term) - an indicator of the outcome/result of writing a standards test.
    • First Nations Schools (Term) - these are schools located in Manitoba that are operated by the First Nations communities in which they are located.
    • Français (FL1) Program (Term) - refers to the stream of educational instruction in Manitoba in which the language of instruction is in French.
    • Francisation (Term) - an intensive education intervention designed to improve the French language skills of a student.
    • French-Immersion (FL2) School Program (Term) - a second language program designed for children whose first language is not French and who have little or no knowledge of French prior to entering the program.

    • Grade 12 Language Arts (LA) Test Performance Outcomes by Socioeconomic Status (SES) (Concept) - describes the methods reported in MCHP research to measure the performance of grade 12 students on the Language Arts Standards Test, and how the performance relates to socioeconomic status.
    • Grade 12 Standards Tests / Achievement Tests (Term) - students in grade 12 are required to write two provincial exams - the Language Arts (LA) Standards Test and the Mathematics Achievement Test.
    • Grade 12 Provincial Exam Performance (Term) - describes seven measures / outcomes for results on provincial exams in grade 12.
    • Grade 3/4 Assessments (Term) - students in grade 3 and 4 are assessed on reading, math and number skills.
    • Grade 7 Assessment in Mathematics (Term) - an evaluation of math skills for students in grade 7.
    • Grade 7 Assessment of Student Engagement (Term) - an evaluation of student involvement in their education in grade 7.
    • Grade 8 Assessment in Reading and Writing (Term) - an evaluation of reading comprehension and writing for students in grade 8.
    • Grade 9 Achievement Index (Concept) - the Grade 9 Achievement Index is one of three indices developed by MCHP to measure educational achievement.
    • Grade Level (Term) - identifies the grade the student was enrolled in during a given year.
    • Grade Level Assessments (Concept) - provides information about the grade level assessments for students in grades 3, 7 and 8 in Manitoba schools, and how this is investigated in MCHP research.
    • Grade Repetition (Term) - also known as Continuing Student.
    • Grade Retention (Term) - in Kindergarten to Grade 8, grade retention is defined as a student's enrollment in the same grade for two consecutive years. In Grade 9, students older than the modal age for grade were identified as being retained.
    • Graduation (Term) - a method of identifying the graduation status of a high school student.
    • Graduation Flag (Term) - a dichotomous variable (0/1) derived from the Year End Status field in the Education Information System (EIS) files.

    • High School Completion / Graduation and Grade 12 Attainment (Concept) - frequently used as an outcome variable for children's level of educational attainment.
    • High School Completion Rates Within Six Years of Grade 9 (Term) - a measure of the rate of high school completion / graduation within six years of starting grade nine.

    • Independent Schools (Term) - a group of schools, including homeschooling, funded and non-funded schools that may be affiliated with a specific religious or denominational group.

    • Level II and III Funding (Term) - education funding to students with special needs who require support in the classroom.

    • Manitoba Education (Term) - a government department responsible for public education in Manitoba.
    • Manitoba Education and Training (MET) Number (Term) - a unique number assigned to each student upon registration with Manitoba Education for the purpose of record keeping of student progress through the education system.
    • Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth (MECY) (Term) - a department of the Manitoba provincial government.
    • Manitoba Education (Term) - a department of the Manitoba provincial government that sets priorities and allocates funds for the Province's public and funded independent Kindergarten-Grade 12 (K-12) schools.
    • Maternal Education (Term) - a measure of a mother's education level.
    • Mathematics Achievement Index (Term) - a method of classifying grade 12 mathematics students.

    • Near Graduate (Term) - a method of identifying students who are near graduation.

    • On-Time Pass for Grade 12 Language Arts (LA) Exam (Term) - an indicator of students passing the grade 12 Language Arts (LA) exam at the expected time.
    • On-Time Pass for Grade 12 Mathematics Exam (Term) - an indicator of students passing the grade 12 Mathematics exam at the expected time.

    • Passed (Term) - an indicator of the outcome/result of writing a standards test.

    • Retention Rate (Term) - the percentage of students retained from one year to the next.

    • School Assignment (School Transfers / School Changes and Longest Attended) (Concept) - the way in which students are matched to the schools they have attended or are currently attending.
    • School Catchment Area (Concept) - the geographical area from which students are allowed to attend a specific school.
    • School Transfers / School Changes (Term) - a measure of the number of times a student transfers / changes schools.
    • School Division Data in Manitoba - INTERNAL (Concept) - (internal access only) - this concept provides a list of data in the MCHP Data Repository that collects school division information, and provides information on the use of this data.
    • Special Needs Children - Method of Identification from Education Data (Concept) - the umbrella title "Special Needs" may refer to numerous disorders affecting an individual's ability to learn and/or function appropriately in school, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, hearing or vision impairment, and emotional/behavioural disorder.
    • Standards Tests / Achievement Tests - Test Performance and Outcomes (Concept) - the current Standards Tests / Achievement Tests are curriculum-based and mandatory for all students, with adaptations available for many special needs students (and exemptions for individual students as required).

    • Trends in Physical Education in Manitoba High Schools (Concept) - this concept identifies a change in physical education requirements for high school students, in 2008, and the approach MCHP took to analyze this change.

    • Withdrawn From School (Concept) - a student who has withdrawn from high school is defined as a high school-aged person who does not have a high school diploma and is not enrolled in or attending high school.

Related concepts 

Related terms 


  • Educational Measurement

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
