Max Rady College of Medicine
Concept: Caesarean Section / Cesarean Section (C-Section)
Concept Description
Last Updated: 2020-05-25
A caesarean section (C-section) is a procedure in which a baby is surgically extracted (removed) from the uterus, rather than being born vaginally. This concept describes the methods and definitions used in MCHP research over time to define and identify c-sections, as well as previous cesarean births.
This concept also provides a link to relevant SAS code. Please see the SAS code and formats section containing the following link to: C-Section code from NTK What Works deliverable from 2008 - (internal access only).
NOTE: In MCHP research, the word caesarean has also been spelled cesarean and caesarian. In the Concept Dictionary and Glossary, all these spellings have been modified to "caesarean", to assist in the search functionality.
Data Definition Over Time
Cesarean sections (C-Sections) are identified from hospital discharge abstracts:
From 1970/71 to 1978/79 ICDA (Adapted) - version 8 procedure codes are used (77.x).
Until March 31, 1987 procedure codes must be used (ICD-9-CM 74.0, 74.1, 74.2, 74.4, 74.9 (74.3 is excluded)).
From April 1, 1987 to March 31, 2004 the OBCSECT field (Hospital Abstract User Manual, Item 40 C.S. Type) or ICD-9-CM procedure codes 74.0, 74.1, 74.2, 74.4, 74.9 (74.3 is excluded) can be used.
- Starting April 1, 2004 cesarean sections are identified by CCI code 5MD60^^ (section 5, Obstetrical and Fetal Interventions: MD (birthing), Intervention 60).
In all cases only obstetrical abstracts are used (abstract type 3) where there is an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code V27 (delivery) or ICD-10-CA code Z37 (delivery). Through 1978/79 ICDA-8 code 650-662 may have to be used but this needs to be determined.
When calculating the rates of C-Sections use all maternal birth records in the time period for the denominator, defined by ICD-9-CM diagnosis code V27 or ICD-10-CA code Z37 and an obstetrical abstract type (3).
The type of anaesthsia used can be identified from the HAUM using the OBANAES field (item 40 HAUM anaesthsia). This field is required if diagnosis 2 or 3 is in the range V27.0-V27.9.
0 - Nil,
1 - General/inhalation,
2 - Spinal/epidural, or
4 - Block/pudendal.
In the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), the type of anaesthsia is identified from Group 11, Field 12 - anaesthetic Technique (inttechXX) for the corresponding delivery procedures (5MD^^):
0 - if for OOH (Out Of Hospital) interventions,
1 - General,
2 - Spinal,
3 - Epidural,
4 - Combined general and neuraxial (epidural or spinal),
5 - other nerve block (including intravenous regional anaesthsia, neuroleptic),
6 - Monitored anaesthsia care (monitoring by an anaesthetist with or without anaesthetist giving sedation or analgesia: with or without local anaesthsia),
7 - local anaesthsia (no anaesthetist present) includes topical,
8 - no anaesthetic,
9 - other anaesthetic not monitored by an anaesthetist (includes intravenous sedation, nitrous oxide/nitronox).
Previous Cesarean Birth
Heaman et al. (2012),
a woman was considered to have had a previous cesarean birth by the presence of one or more of the following codes:
ICD-9-CM: 654.20, 654.21, 654.23; OR
- ICD-10-CA: O34.201, O34.203, O34.209, O34.291, O34.293, O34.299, O75.701, O75.703, O75.709.
In MCHP Research
Several MCHP deliverables have investigated and reported on caesarean section. For more information, see the following sections in our deliverables:
10.11 Caesarean Section (C-Section)
The Manitoba RHA Indicators Atlas: Population-Based Comparison of Health and Health Care Use
deliverable by
Martens et al. (2003)
3.3 Caesarean Sections
in the
Manitoba Child Health Atlas Update
deliverable by
Brownell et al. (2008)
4.6 Cesarean Birth
in the
Perinatal Services and Outcomes in Manitoba
deliverable by
Heaman et al. (2012)
- section 10.6 Caesarean Section Rate in The 2019 RHA Indicators Atlas deliverable by Fransoo et al. (2019)
Related concepts
Related terms
- Caesarean Birth
- Caesarean Section (C-Section) Rate
- Caesarean Section / Cesarean Section (C-Section)
- Canadian Classification of Health Interventions (CCI)
- Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)
- Hospital Abstracts Data
- ICD-10-CA
- ICD-9-CM
- ICDA-8
- International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, with Canadian Enhancements (ICD-10-CA)
- International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, with Clinical Modifications (ICD-9-CM)
- International Classification of Diseases, Adapted - 8th Revision (ICDA-8)
- Vaginal Birth
- Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC)
- Brownell M, De Coster C, Penfold R, Derksen S, Au W, Schultz J, Dahl M. Manitoba Child Health Atlas Update. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2008. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials] (View)
- Chartier M, Finlayson G, Prior H, McGowan K, Chen H, de Rocquigny J, Walld R, Gousseau M. Health and Healthcare Utilization of Francophones in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2012. [Report] [Summary] (View)
- Fransoo R, Martens P, The Need to Know Team, Burland E, Prior H, Burchill C, Chateau D, Walld R. Sex Differences in Health Status, Health Care Use, and Quality of Care: A Population-Based Analysis for Manitoba's Regional Health Authorities. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2005. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials] (View)
- Fransoo R, Mahar A, The Need to Know Team, Anderson A, Prior H, Koseva I, McCulloch S, Jarmasz J, Burchill S. The 2019 RHA Indicators Atlas. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2019. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] [Additional Materials] (View)
- Heaman M, Kingston D, Helewa M, Brownell M, Derksen S, Bogdanovic B, McGowan K, Bailly A. Perinatal Services and Outcomes in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2012. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] (View)
- Martens P, Fransoo R, The Need to Know Team, Burland E, Prior H, Burchill C, Romphf L, Chateau D, Bailly A, Ouelette C. What Works? A First Look at Evaluating Manitoba's Regional Health Programs and Policies at the Population Level. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2008. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials] (View)
- Martens PJ, Bartlett J, Burland E, Prior H, Burchill C, Huq S, Romphf L, Sanguins J, Carter S, Bailly A. Profile of Metis Health Status and Healthcare Utilization in Manitoba: A Population-Based Study. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2010. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] [Additional Materials] (View)
- Martens PJ, Bond R, Jebamani L, Burchill C, Roos NP, Derksen S, Beaulieu M, Steinbach C, MacWilliam L, Walld R, Dik N, Sanderson D, Health Information and Research Committee AoMC, Tanner-Spence M, Leader A, Elias B, O'Neil J. The Health and Health Care Use of Registered First Nations People Living in Manitoba: A Population-Based Study. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2002. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials] (View)
- Martens PJ, Fransoo R, The Need to Know Team, Burland E, Jebamani L, Burchill C, Black C, Dik N, MacWilliam L, Derksen S, Walld R, Steinbach C, Dahl M. The Manitoba RHA Indicators Atlas: Population-Based Comparison of Health and Health Care Use. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2003. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials] (View)
- Mustard CA, Harman CR, Hall PF, Derksen S. Impact of a nurses' strike on the cesarean birth rate. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;172(2 Pt 1):631-637. [Abstract] (View)
- obstetrics
- pregnancy
- surgery
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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
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University of Manitoba
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