Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Statistics for Large Databases

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2009-04-15


    This concept provides a list of statistical tools and approaches that have been used at MCHP. Many of them are particularly useful in working with large databases. Researchers and programmers might look here for an introduction to these tools and to identify valuable resources.

SAS Macros

  • MCHP SAS Macros - a list of SAS macros developed at and/or used by MCHP staff for doing calculations and data manipulation. The list contains the name of each macro, a brief description of the macro, and a link to sample SAS programming code.

Descriptive Analysis

  • Confidence Interval of the Median - a concept describing how to measure the confidence interval of the median.

  • Rates of Utilization - a concept describing how to compute rates of events, typically by geographical regions.

  • Variance - a concept describing the technique used in statistical analysis to calculate the degree of variance of collected data.

Regression Analysis

    • Logistic Regression and Conditional Logistic Regression models with examples and SAS syntax
    • Poisson regression models with example and SAS syntax
    • Model evaluation (goodness of fit, discrimination, validation)
    • Risk ratio and odds ratio

Significance Testing

Special Approaches


  • Swinscow TDV (Revised by Campbell MJ) (1997) Statistics at Square One Ninth Edition. BMJ Publishing Group [ website ]

  • Statistical Help on the Web:
    • The Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms [ website ]

Related concepts 

Related terms 


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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
