Concept: Income Quintile Ranking Procedure

Concept Description

Last Updated: 2002-03-05


Step 1 - Exclusion of records which cannot be ranked to an Income Quintile

Step 2 - Preparing the Remaining Population for Ranking

Preparing the Strictly Urban Population for Ranking

Preparing the Mixed Urban/Rural and Strictly Rural Populations for Ranking

Step 3 - Ranking by Urban and Rural Designation

Applying the Income Quintile Ranking to your Data

Important consequences of this method of assigning income quintile

  1. First Nations people with strictly urban postal codes will be assigned an income quintile on the basis of their postal code. All others will be assigned an income quintile on the basis of their home reserve, regardless of whether they actually live on the reserve. This cannot be overcome, because First Nations people always maintain their home reserve muncode whether they live there or not.

  2. Portions of any event data set will not be ranked for various reasons. These reasons are described in the deletions above.

  3. Populations living on the periphery of Winnipeg may be defined as rural by the census. The census defines the urban/rural nature of a population by a density rule. Populations living in East St Paul (muncode=304), for example, are defined as rural by the census. There are other examples of this.

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