Concept: Record Linkage in Manitoba

Concept Description

Last Updated: 2014-02-24


Record Linkage - Key Points

Record Linkage of Health Data

Record Linkage with Non-Health Data

Examples of Record Linkage at MCHP

1. Garland et al. (2012)

1) Preliminary Processing of the Hospital Discharge Abstracts

    Prior to linking the data, two preliminary processing steps were completed to exclude the following:
    • hospital abstracts that did not represent inpatient hospitalizations (e.g.: outpatient surgery); and
    • duplicate hospital abstracts, identified as identical on five items - PHIN, hospital, hospital chart number, hospital entry date, and hospital separation date.

2) Preliminary Identification of Linkage between the WICUDB and the Hospital Discharge Abstracts

    Linkage of WICUDB records and hospital abstracts was completed by linking:

    1. the combination of the hospital and the hospital chart number
    2. a. the ICU entry date that occurs on or after hospital entry and on or before hospital separation
      b. the ICU separation date that occurs on or after hospital entry and on or before hospital separation

    For records that did not link with this initial step, a second step was completed to link the records using:

    1. PHIN
    2. a. the ICU entry date that occurs on or after hospital entry and on or before hospital separation
      b. the ICU separation date that occurs on or after hospital entry and on or before hospital separation

    In some instances there were records that were linked to more than one hospital abstract. Steps 3 and 4 address this issue.

    The results of linking the WICUDB records and the hospital abstracts can be found in Table 1.1: Interim Summary of Linkage between the Winnipeg ICU Database (WICUDB) and the Hospital Abstracts after Preliminary Processing on p.6 of The Epidemiology and Outcomes of Critical Illness in Manitoba deliverable by Garland et al. (2012) .

3) Addressing the WICUDB Records that Linked to Two Hospital Discharge Abstracts

    If a single hospital abstract (or two or more abstracts) could be identified to link the WICUDB record to, it was included in the project analyses. For example, if a WICUDB record was linked to two abstracts, the abstract that contains the ICU entry and separation dates within its hospital entry and separation dates would be selected as the abstract to link to. Cases where a WICUDB record could not be linked to a single abstract were eliminated from the project.

    The following six patterns were identified when two abstracts were linked to one WICUDB record (the first occurring abstract is denoted as "Abstract 1", and the second as "Abstract 2"):

    1. The date of hospital separation for Abstract 1 was the same as the date of hospital entry for Abstract 2.
    2. The hospital entry date for Abstract 1 was the same as Abstract 2, but both abstracts had different separation dates.
    3. The hospital entry and separation dates were identical for Abstract 1 and Abstract 2.
    4. The separation date of Abstract 1 was at least one day earlier than the entry date of Abstract 2.
    5. The separation date of Abstract 1 was later than the entry date of Abstract 2, but before the separation date of Abstract 2.
    6. The separation date of Abstract 1 was later than the entry date of Abstract 2, and both abstracts had the identical separation date.

    In all of the above situations, entry and separation dates for the ICU records and the hospital abstracts were compared in order to determine which were appropriately linked, and which records should be eliminated. Please see Results Part 3: Addressing the 180 WICUDB Records that Linked to Two Hospital Abstracts for more information on addressing the WICUDB records that were linked to two abstracts.

4) Addressing the WICUDB Records that Linked to Three Hospital Discharge Abstracts

5) Assessing How the Linked Records from Parts 2-4 Match on Seven Identifying Variables

6) Clarifying Manitoba Residency Status

Validation Process

    Health Information Management (HIM) at Manitoba Health validates records of newly admitted patients to WRHA ICUs every four to six weeks. The validation process involves the crosschecking of names, PHIN, and date of birth data in the WICUDB with the Manitoba Health Insurance Registry. The WRHA makes changes in the WICUDB for any inconsistencies HIM indicates in the crosschecking. Fields in the file from the WRHA used for linkages are PHIN, surname, given name, date of birth, and sex. Four steps are completed sequentially to link files in the WICUDB and the Manitoba Health Insurance Registry. These linked files (matches) were given a match indicator of 1 or 2, specifying how the files were matched, where "1" = PHIN used in linkage, and "2" = PHIN not used in linkage.

    The remaining linkages are visually verified using a 'Proc Print' in SAS in three additional steps. These linked files are also granted a match indicator of 1, 2, or 0, specifying how and whether the files were matched, where "1" = PHIN used in linkage, "2" = PHIN not used in linkage, and "0" = non match.

    At MCHP, the WICUDB database is updated with new files or missing information using the WICUDB records, a Medical Patient Registry Manitoba Health Insurance Registry snapshot, and Manitoba Health hospital abstracts with ICU admission. The following seven steps are followed in order to update missing data on new WICUDB records since previous linkage:

    • Step 1. Exclude all records previously checked by HIM with valid PHINs
    • Step 2. By surname, given (including initials), full birth date
    • Step 3. By surname, full birth date, sex
    • Step 4. By SOUNDEX (surname), full birth date, sex, COMPARE (given)
    • Step 5. By SOUNDEX (surname),sex, COMPARE (given), birth year, birth month,
    • Step 6. By full birth date, sex, COMPARE (given)
    • Step 7. By sex, full birth date, facility, admit and separation date (against hospital abstracts)

    NOTE: ALL matches found in steps 2 through 7 were visually verified.

    More information on the steps of these validation processes can be found in Appendix 1.1:WRHA Critical Care Validation Process-Linkages to Manitoba Health Insurance Registry Performed Regularly and in Appendix 1.2:WRHA Critical Care Validation Process-Linkages to Manitoba Health Insurance Registry when Transferring WICUDB Data to MCHP in Garland et al. (2012) .

SAS Code for ICU Linkage / ICU Episodes

    Example SASĀ® code for working with the ICU data and identifying ICU episodes of care in the MCHP data is available (internal access only) in the SAS code and formats section below.

2. Chartier et al. (2012)

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