View reference

Lloyd M, Shanahan M, Brownell M, Roos NP. Hospital Case Mix Costing Project 1991/92: Methodological Appendix. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation, 1995. [Report] [Summary]

Related concepts

Calculating Hospital Costs Using Cost Per Weighted Case (CPWC) / Cost of a Standard Hospital Stay (CSHS) Values
Hospital Costing in the 1990's
Hospital Types
Observation Units & Admission Policies Across Winnipeg Hospitals and Emergency Departments

Related terms

Atypical Patient
Average Length of Stay (ALOS)
Blended Rate
Case Weight Development
Complications and Comorbidities (CC)
Good Coding Hospitals
Hospital Cost per Weighted Case (CPWC or CWC)
Hospital Marginal Costs Per Diem
Hospital Medical Records Institute (HMRI)
Hospital Types
Marginal Cost
Medical Remuneration
Non-Acute Cases
Northern Isolated Hospitals
Panelled Days
Quasi-Equivalent In-Patient Admissions (QEIPA)
Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (RDRGĀ®)
Relative Case Weights (RCW)
Relative Weights
Rural Hospitals
Trim Point
Typical Patient


hospital expenditures
Manitoba Report