Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter R (page 1 (entries 1 to 20) of 2 pages)

1. Random Effects Models - Continuous Data
This concept describes random effects models for longitudinal and clustered data, focusing in particular on the statistical notation for defining these models for longitudinal data. SAS syntax for random effects models is illustrated. The concept ...
2. Rates of Utilization
Rates of events, typically by geographical regions, are frequently computed in epidemiologic and health services research. There are many different types of rates which can be computed and compared.
3. Readmissions to Hospital
There are many factors to consider when analyzing readmissions. For example: What cases, if any, should be excluded prior to defining index cases? (e.g. non-inpatient hospitalizations) Who is the cohort for whom readmissions are to b...
4. Record Linkage / Data Linakge
Record linkage, or data linkage, is simply the integration of information from two independent sources. Records from the two sources that are believed to relate to the same individual are matched in such a way that they may then be treated as a sing...
5. Record Linkage in Manitoba
This concept describes how record linkage is performed in Manitoba for data stored at MCHP. The concept lists the key points of record linkage; how record linkage is performed with health and non-health data sets; and provides two examples of reco...
6. Record of Death
The following information was provided by Pat Nicol regarding the way deaths outside of a care facility (e.g. at home) are reported. Approximately 30% of deaths occur out of hospital/facility (we can't tell if a person is admitted specifically fo...
7. Referral Rates for Primary Care Physicians to Specialists
This concept contains information about referral rates from primary care physicians to specialists, including how this is defined and the methods used to implement this from administrative data. The concept also contains links to specific MCHP rese...
8. Refugee
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg This concept describes how Refugees are defined and operationalized for immigration-r...
9. Regional Health Authorities (RHA) in Manitoba
In Manitoba, a Regional Health Authority (RHA) is a regional governance structure set up by the provincial government to be responsible for the delivery and administration of health services in a specific geographical area. This structure was imple...
10. Regional Health Authority (RHA) Districts and Zones in Manitoba
In Manitoba, a Regional Health Authority (RHA) is a regional governance structure set up by the provincial government to be responsible for the delivery and administration of health services in a specific geographical area. RHA Districts represent s...
11. Regular Source of Care (RSOC)
RSOC is one way of measuring continuity of care. Mustard et al. (1996) created a measure of regular source of care for children by enumerating all ambulatory medical services provided ...
12. Regulated Child Day Care in Manitoba
This concept briefly describes the Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Program, regulated child care providers in Manitoba, the contents of the dataset at MCHP that contains information about child day care cases, day care subsidies, and includes...
13. Renal Failure
Renal failure is the loss of the kidneys ability to remove wastes, concentrate urine, and maintain electrolytes levels in the blood. At MCHP, our definition of renal failure includes both acute and chronic renal failure. Renal disease associated wit...
14. Residence
This concept describes how residence is defined and operationalized in MCHP research. Residence is simply defined as the location (home or dwelling) that a person is living in at a particular point in time. Residential analyses in MCHP research is...
15. Residential Mobility
Residential mobility is defined as the movement of a Manitoba health insurance registrant within the province that results in a change of six-digit postal code or municipal code (a code assigned to each municipality in Manitoba for administrative an...
16. Residential Persistence
This concept provides a look at Manitoba data on residential persistence, defined as the percent of residents living in the same postal code year after year, and the correlations of mean household income (Socio-Economic Status (SES)) of these indivi...
17. Residents of Manitoba
A number of methods have been used over time for identification of individuals resident in Manitoba. The choice of method is based on the question being asked. To determine residency, both postal codes and municipal codes can be used. Usually, re...
18. Retention - Immigration / Migration related
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg This concept describes how Retention (related to immigration / migration) is operatio...
19. Return Migration
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg This concept describes how Return Migration is operationalized for immigration-relate...
20. Revised-Graduated Prenatal Care Utilization Index (R-GINDEX)
The Revised-Graduated Prenatal Care Utilization Index (R-GINDEX) is a measure of the adequacy of prenatal care provided to a woman by healthcare providers during the prenatal period. The R-GINDEX was developed by Alexander and Kotelchuck while they...

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
