Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter S (page 1 (entries 1 to 20) of 2 pages)

1. Schizophrenia - Measuring Prevalence
This concept defines schizophrenia and describes how this medical condition has been defined in MCHP research. This includes a list of databases where this information resides, the ICD diagnosis codes that are used to define it, and a list of MCHP r...
2. School Assignment (School Transfers / School Changes and Longest Attended)
School assignment refers to how students are matched to the schools they have attended or are currently attending. Researchers have measured this concept through measuring (the sub-concepts) (a) school transfers / school changes and (b) school longe...
3. School Catchment Area
School catchment area refers to the geographical area from which students are allowed to attend a specific school.
4. School Year (Education) Data
NOTE: This concept contains analytical information about the contents of the Education data up until the year 2007/2008, when the data was initially received at MCHP. This includes detailed description of the school year data from 1995/1996 to 2...
5. Senior's Residences
Addresses (postal codes) of senior's residences in Winnipeg were obtained from the 1997 Winnipeg Seniors Housing Directory published by Age & Opportunity. Using Manitoba Health Insurance registry data for 1997 containing postal code and age of each...
6. Sensitivity and Specificity - Using the ROC Curve to Measure
Two indices are used to evaluate the accuracy of a test that predicts dichotomous outcomes ( e.g. logistic regression) - sensitivity and specificity. They describe how well a test discriminates between cases with and without a certain conditio...
7. Sensitivity Testing - Issues and Guidelines
How do we separate the numerator into 'yes' and 'no' groups? When using physician claims data, an 'event' can be defined by: Requiring only one claim in total or over a specified period of time Requiring several claims in total ...
8. Separation - Family Structure
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg Part of the Family Structure group of Concepts, Separation discusses the definition...
9. Service Types, Physician Visits
Service types define a set of different types of services found in the physician visits. The most recent use of these types have been the use of service type 01 (non-consultative visit) and 02 (consultative visit) in the
10. Sex and Gender Related Data in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository
This concept provides definitions for the words "sex" and "gender", describes the current state of sex and gender related variables available in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository (Repository), identifies additional data in the Reposit...
11. Shadow Billing Data Validation
This concept describes a method used to validate shadow billing claims contained in the Medical Services data and presents the results of this validation. Information for this concept is taken direc...
12. Siblings
Administrative data provide large numbers of individuals and families for selecting birth cohorts and tracking them through time. At MCHP, both the mother's identification number - an encrypted PHIN (Personal Heath Information Number) - and the fami...
13. Size for Gestational Age
Size for gestational age is a measure of fetal growth, where small-for-gestational-age is considered an indicator of fetal growth restriction and a marker for increased fetal and infant mortality and morbidity risk, and large-for-gestational-age is ...
14. Small Area Analysis (SAA)
Small area analysis (SAA) is a technique that uses large administrative databases to obtain population-based measures of utilization and resource allocation. SAA can provide the following kinds of statistics:For years, the per capita costs...
15. Small Areas in Manitoba
The following document provides some basic information on various areas in Manitoba. Many of these have separate individual concepts written about them. This information is compiled from various sources; some numbers may disagree between sources and...
16. Smoking Cessation Prescriptions
This concept contains information on smoking cessation prescriptions, including the methods used at MCHP to identify smoking cessation prescriptions in administrative data and links to specific MCHP research where smoking cessation prescription rate...
17. Social and Material Deprivation Indices
This concept describes the methodology for developing two indices measuring Social Deprivation and Material Deprivation and the use of these indices in MCHP research. Both are small-area based composite indices calculated from Canadian Census data ...
18. Social and Recreational Programs - Winnipeg
NOTE: This data is archived in the MCHP Data Repository as it is felt that it will no longer be used in our research. The Social and recreational programs variables were derived from a database of social, recreation, and other programs th...
19. Social Assistance Management Information Network (SAMIN) Research Data Set
The Social Assistance Management Information Network (SAMIN) Research Data Set was created for the initial research work with the Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) data housed in the MCHP Data Repository. This data set combined variables from t...
20. Social Complexities / Social Complexity Index
This concept describes a method developed at MCHP to define and operationalize "social complexities". Information for this concept is taken directly from the deliverable A Comparison of Models of Primary Care Delivery in Winnipeg by

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
