Because postal codes are added - or may move - over time, updated Postal Code Conversion Files (PCCF) should be obtained every year from Manitoba Health or the WRHA Community Assessment Unit.
MB-PCCF conversion files for 2002 and WRHA PCCF conversion files for 2000
Assigning WRHA areas using Postal Codes within Winnipeg
Since we work with both RHA and Winnipeg areas, a cross check was done with our existing method of assigning regions. RHA boundaries are generally defined based on municipal code provided by Manitoba Health on our records, Winnipeg areas are defined based on postal code. Because there is not a perfect match - especially in rural and city edge areas where a single postal code may serve multiple municipal areas (by way of rural routes and post office boxes) - there is some overlap between CA and RHA definitions.
The following information is based on the December 1998 Manitoba Health Registry snap shot and the August 1999 postal code to municipal code conversion file.
There are approximately 10 postal codes that have a Winnipeg municipal code but no Community Area. These represent about 600 people. All of these postal codes are on the edge of Winnipeg, and the street address is outside the boundaries we generally use (as assigned by municipal codes e.g. Headingly, St. Clements, Springfield). The bulk of these are represented by the following postal codes, which fall just outside of the East St. Paul boundary: R3C2E4 (70), R3C2E6 (41), R3C2E7 (356), R2E1E3 (32), R2E1E8 (9).
Approximately 30 postal codes have a non-Winnipeg municipal code but have been assigned to a Winnipeg area. This represents about 1400 people living in edge communities. The actual postal codes tend to be postal boxes or rural routes.
For example:
R2C2Z2 - rural routes mostly in Transcona, but there are some St. Clements address as well. The bulk of the population is in Transcona that is where the postal code is assigned.
R3V1L2,5,6,7,9 are in Ritchot but cross into St. Norbert.
In most of these cases a single postal code has multiple municipal codes. These are seen in the actual registry, hospital, and medical claims files, and thus municipal code probably provides a better indication of actual residence.
To Assign Winnipeg Areas
Assign RHA based on the muncode (except for first nations (A codes) which are assigned on postal code/muncode combination)
Winnipeg areas remaining (H, I, J or K) can then be assigned a Winnipeg community area based on postal code.
The office of the public trustee is still in this data set. You should be aware of this postal code (R3C3L6) when working with Downtown (W11, W11B), as it may skew your results.
If you use just the Winnipeg Area formats to assign Winnipeg you will get more individuals than you will with the above method because there are a number of postal codes included in the Winnipeg formats that have muncodes outside of Winnipeg. Most of these are either edge communities or rural route postal codes/post offices with Winnipeg postal codes.
Postal code conversion files for the Winnipeg Areas may be obtained through Manitoba Health, MCHP, or Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.