Concept: Outcome of Delivery

Concept Description

Last Updated: 2016-08-23


MCHP's Algorithm for Identifying the Outcome of Delivery

ICD-10 Versus ICD-10-CA Coding

Cautions / Notes

  1. This concept focuses on the mother's / maternal outcome of delivery in hospital and does not include all the possible outcomes related to a pregnancy, such as abortion or ectopic pregnancy, or the birth outcomes related to the newborn child. For more information on these topics, please see the following:

    • Teenage Pregnancy / Teen Pregnancy concept - this concept includes a list of ICD and CCI codes for maternal outcomes of delivery, abortion and ectopic pregnancies, and delivery outcomes of a newborn child.

  2. Births assisted by midwifes in a home location are not included in this methodology and represent a very small proportion of total births in Manitoba. In 2008/09, 3.9% of total births having a midwife as the provider occurred in a hospital, while 0.8% took place in a home setting (Heaman et al., 2012). In order to determine the outcome of delivery in this situation, several variables / indicators contained in the Midwifery Summary Report data, such as birth type, interventions and stillbirth, could be investigated to determine the outcome of delivery. Please see related variables in Appendix Table A.4: Table of Codes from Heaman et al. (2012) for more information on how this can be accomplished using the Midwifery Summary Report data.

  3. There is some ongoing discussion over whether the "abstract type" = 3 is a required condition in the algorithm. Recent analysis into this situation revealed that when a V27 or Z37 diagnosis code was coded in the abstract, 99.9% of these abstracts were coded with an "abstract type" = 3, so a small percentage of outcomes may be missed over 30 years of data if "abstract type" = 3 is a required condition in the algorithm. The most important part of the algorithm is the diagnosis code(s) that identify the outcome of delivery.

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