Max Rady College of Medicine

Term: Drug Program Information Network (DPIN) Data

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Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2013-03-12


An electronic, on-line, point-of-sale prescription drug database that connects Manitoba Health and pharmacies in Manitoba. The DPIN system generates complete drug profiles for each client including all transactions at the point of distribution. Information about pharmaceutical dispensations, prescriptions identified as potential drug utilization problems, non-adjudicated prescriptions, ancillary programs, and non-drug products is captured in real time for all Manitoba residents (including Registered First Nations), regardless of insurance coverage or final payer. Note that the prescription's indication (the physician's prescribing intent) is not collected and must be inferred from other data. Services not captured in the drug database include hospital pharmacies, nursing stations, ward stock, and outpatient visits at CancerCare Manitoba.

For more information on DPIN data, see the:

NOTE: In MCHP research, the Drug Program Information Network (DPIN) data has also been referred to as the Prescription Drug Database.

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  • Smith M, Finlayson G, Martens P, Dunn J, Prior H, Taylor C, Soodeen RA, Burchill C, Guenette W, Hinds A. Social Housing in Manitoba. Part II: Social Housing and Health in Manitoba: A First Look. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2013. [Report] [Summary] (View)

Term used in 

  • Chateau D, Enns M, Ekuma O, Koseva I, McDougall C, Kulbaba C, Allegro E. Evaluation of the Manitoba IMPRxOVE Program. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2015. [Report] [Summary] (View)
  • Fransoo R, Martens P, The Need to Know Team, Prior H, Burchill C, Koseva I, Bailly A, Allegro E. The 2013 RHA Indicators Atlas. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2013. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials] (View)
  • Martens P, Nickel N, Forget E, Lix L, Turner D, Prior H, Walld R, Soodeen RA, Rajotte L, Ekuma O. The Cost of Smoking: A Manitoba Study. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2015. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] [Additional Materials] (View)
  • Smith M, Finlayson G, Martens P, Dunn J, Prior H, Taylor C, Soodeen RA, Burchill C, Guenette W, Hinds A. Social Housing in Manitoba. Part II: Social Housing and Health in Manitoba: A First Look. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2013. [Report] [Summary] (View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
