Concept: Asthma - Measuring Prevalence

Concept Description

Last Updated: 2020-07-17


Definition and Literature Review

Manitoba Asthma Algorithms

1. Kozyrskyj et al. (2004)

2. Lix et al. (2006)

SAS Code for Identification of Asthma Drugs

Calculating Population-based Rates

    Based on work done by Lix et al. (2006) , multiple administrative definitions of chronic diseases were compared with survey data. The definitions looked at multiple age groups (12-18, 19-49, 50+), multiple years of administrative data (1, 2, 3, 5), and different data sources of administrative data (medical services/physician claims, prescription drugs, and hospital discharge abstracts). The 'best' definition for identification of individuals with asthma was 5 years of data using all of the data sources. It should be noted that using prescription drugs alone had high sensitivity (81.5%) at 5 years.

    Table 2, 3 and 4 report estimates of agreement, sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for the algorithms investigated for each of the three different age groups.

SAS Code for Calculation of Asthma Rates by Age Group and Year

    See below for SAS code for calculation of asthma rates by age group and year (internal access only).

    Validated work done by Kozyrskyj et al. (2004) for children has a slightly different requirement for prescriptions over time. The additional criteria in the drug definition for children is used to help remove individuals with childhood wheezing. The definition is at least one prescription for an inhaled corticosteroid or Chromone or Ketotifen concomitant with an inhaled or oral beta-agonist, or two or more prescriptions for an inhaled or oral beta-agonist. Each of these groups of drugs is identified in the provided code.

3. Lix et al. (2008)

Calculating Population-based Prevalence Rates

    Crude provincial prevalence estimates for the 28 asthma algorithms are reported in Table 6 for the following four age groups: all ages (12 years and older), 12 to 18 years, 19 to 49 years, and 50 or more years.

    Discussion of the prevalence rates for asthma can be found in the full report: Chapter 4: Asthma

4. Finlayson et al. (2010)

5. Raymond et al. (2011)

6. Chartier et al. (2012, 2016), Brownell et al. (2012) and Fransoo et al. (2019)

Asthma Detection Using Physician Billing / Tariff Codes


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