Term: Region of Residence

Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2011-01-26


The region of residence is the area where people live at any given point in time, and where their health service use is allocated, regardless of where the service was provided. Over time, regions have been assigned using different methods in MCHP research.

Regions can be assigned based on municipal code or postal code, depending on the method being used. For example, regions are assigned according to the Municipal Code for the last region of residence on a claim, or prior to admission to a hospital or PCH. For Treaty Status Indians, region is assigned according to the postal code associated with each claim or admission. For determining residency in Regional Health Authorities (RHAs), either postal code or municipal code is used. Please see the Regions in Manitoba glossary term for access to more detailed methodological information.

In Raymond et al. (2011), region of residence was categorized as being rural or urban as determined by the postal code registered with Manitoba Health. Those who were registered to Winnipeg or Brandon were categorized as urban, while the rest of Manitoba was considered to be rural. Some of the analyses in this report categorized Manitoba residents into one of five different regions based on groups of Regional Health Authorities (RHA): Rural South (South Eastman, Central, and Assiniboine RHAs); Mid (North Eastman, Interlake, and Parkland RHAs); North (NOR-MAN, Burntwood, and Churchill RHAs); Brandon; and Winnipeg.

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