Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter P (30 entries)

1. Palliative Care - Data Sources and Method of Identification
Palliative Care involves care and services for persons who have an incurable illness and are at the end stages of their life. This concept identifies the types of palliative care services available, the data sources related to these services, and de...
2. Pathways To Health and Social (PATHS) Equity
This concept provides information on the Pathways To Health and Social (PATHS) Equity project.
3. Patient Allocation Algorithm: Assigning Patients to Physicians, Physician Groups or Clinics
This concept contains information on the methods used in MCHP research over time to assign patients to physicians, physician groups or clinics in order to define a physician's practice population. A general approach to patient allocation is describe...
4. Patient Characteristics
Patient characteristics are used to confirm the dynamics of the patient-physician link. Physician to patient contact patterns, which can be measured by unreferred ambulatory visits, are related to key patient characteristics including demography, ne...
5. Persistence of Pharmaceutical Use
Persistence is broadly defined as continuing a course of therapy when it is indicated that one should do so. It has also been referred to as "medication adherence", "medication compliance" or (in the United Kingdom) "medication concordance", the ex...
6. Person Years - Calculating in a Cohort Study
In cohort studies, the analysis of data usually involves estimation of rates of disease in the cohort during a defined period of observation. For example, the rate of newly diagnosed cases (incidence) of cancer in a cohort per 100,000 person years ...
7. Personal Care Home (PCH) Admissions/Residency Determination For a Specific Cohort
This concept details the steps required to determine PCH admission/residency for a defined cohort without using personal information from the PCH system. STEPS Use the latest statistical file of admissions (it includes all...
8. Personal Care Home (PCH) Bed Counts
The numbers presented in the linked table below LTC Bed Counts (1985-86 to 1998-99) identify the number of Personal Care Home (PCH) beds found in Manitoba, for 1985/86 to 1989/99. The numbers are broken down by RHA, including the num...
9. Personal Care Homes (PCH) Types
There are 123 personal care homes in Manitoba, all of which are subject to two major categorizations: proprietary/non-proprietary and secular/ethnocultural.
10. Personality Disorders - Measuring Prevalence
This concept defines personality disorders and describes how this medical condition has been defined in MCHP research. This includes a list of databases where this information resides, the ICD diagnosis codes that are used to define it, and a list o...
11. Physical Activity During Leisure Time - Measuring Prevalence
This concept provides information on developing a prevalence measure of "physical activity during leisure time" that can be derived from survey data. Information for this concept is from The Cost of Smoking: A Manitoba Study deliverable by
12. Physician / Hospital Claims
The Medical Services Data in the MCHP Data Repository contains physician service information. Also called Physician claims or
13. Physician Characteristics
Physician profiling is valuable in contributing to an understanding of the role of the primary care physician. These data provide useful information as to the effect of the physician in various areas including needs-based planning, physician styles,...
14. Physician Characteristics - Primary Care Group Practices
Identifying individual (solo) practices and group practices has come up regularly as part of MCHP research projects. When measuring continuity of care this is an important issue because a clinic may be considered a single point of care even though...
15. Physician Consultation Visits
Consultations are a subset of Ambulatory Visits - Physician. Consultations occur when one physician refers a patient to another physician (usually a specialist or surgeon) because of the complexity, obscurit...
16. Physician Price Index
This concept describes a method of costing physician services using a physician price index. NOTE: For an overview of general costing methods (sources of data, types of costs, and approaches) and the methods of costing specific health service...
17. Physician Service Areas (PSAs)
Research results are often subdivided into different regions of Manitoba in order to compare findings. (e.g. How do pap smear numbers differ by region ?). One way to sub-divide the provincial data is into physician service areas. The 45 physician...
18. Physician Service Areas (PSAs) That Fit Inside the Regional Health Authorities (RHAs)
Research results are often subdivided into different regions of Manitoba in order to compare findings. (e.g. How do pap smear numbers differ by region ?). One way to sub-divide the provincial data is into the physician utilization regions.
19. Population Data and Significance Testing: A Brief Discussion
This concept contains a question and responses from two MCHP researchers related to the use of significance testing when using population-based data.
20. Population Denominators
Researchers should be aware that the population used in a denominator might have a significant effect on the rate for beginning and end of life time periods: Where there are deaths before, or births after, the population count. Migra...
21. Population Estimates and Comparison of Data Sources
The following tables represent population estimates for the province of Manitoba by age and gender, for the specific dates presented. The data sources include: Manitoba Health Services Commission (MHSC) Annual Statistics re...
22. Postal Codes and Coding Methods in Manitoba Health Claims Data
The Manitoba Health Services Insurance Plan (MHSIP): is financed from general revenues of the Province of Manitoba and with funds provided by the Government of Canada. ...
23. Poverty
"Poverty in Canada refers to the state or condition in which a person or household lacks essential resources — financial or otherwise — to maintain a modest standard of living in their community." (Source: Poverty in Canada. Wikipedia.
24. Premature Mortality Rate (PMR) - Exclusion of Long Term Care (LTC) Facilities and Personal Care Homes (PCH)
The premature mortality rate (PMR) is one of the most commonly used indicators of health status of a population. When the population being examined is defined by a geographic area, one must make many considerations regarding exclusions. MCHP has pre...
25. Prenatal Care Visits (PCV) / Prenatal Care (PNC) Visits
The number of prenatal care visits plays an important role in measuring the adequacy of prenatal care during pregnancy. A prenatal care visit is defined as a series of regular contacts between a health care provider, typically a physician, and a pre...
26. Prevalence and Incidence
1. Prevalence - the measure of a condition in a population at a given point in time (in this document referred to as point prevalence ). Prevalence can also be measured over a period of time (e.g. a year). This second typ...
27. Primary Care Provider Panel Size
This concept describes a method for calculating primary care provider panel size and identifies and provides access to the discussion and results from MCHP research on this subject. The information ...
28. Primary Care Quality Indicators
This concept identifies and describes 29 primary care quality indicators that are used to measure and evaluate the differences in primary care service delivery provided in the Winnipeg Health Region....
29. Psychotic Disorders - Measuring Prevalence
This concept describes how psychotic disorders have been defined in MCHP research and provides information about the findings of this research.
30. Public Trustee Office and MCHP Data
The following information was reported Jan. 21, 1994. The Office of the Public Trustee has the responsibility to look after the financial and other affairs of residents unable to do so themselves. These individuals can be of any age (many likely ...

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
