Term: Canadian Classification of Health Interventions (CCI)

Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2018-10-24


A classification system for coding health care procedures in Canada, used in companion with the International Classification of Diseases, version 10, with Canadian Enhancements (ICD-10-CA).

The CCI coding system is divided into broad intervention groups. The format for each code is: #AA##AAAAA (#.AA.##.AA-AA-A). Individual codes are 10 characters long broken into several components. Each of the major sections are represented by the first number in the code followed by two letters indicating the anatomical location or stage of development. Subsequent codes provide further specific information about the intervention. The division into groups is a useful construct for also identifying types or locations of services.

Please see the CIHI web site for more information on the Canadian Classification of Health Interventions (CCI) - https://www.cihi.ca/en/search?query=CCI&Search+Submit= - accessed October 24, 2018.

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