Max Rady College of Medicine

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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter B (79 entries)

1. Baby Boom Generation
In Canada this refers to Canadians born between 1946 and 1966 inclusive.
2. Baby Boom Period
The period from about 1946 to 1966 that was characterized by high fertility rates. Babies born during this time are referred to as Baby Boomers.
3. Baby Boomers
People born in the Baby Boom Period (about 1946 to 1966) (Statistics Canada, Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories 2000-2026. Ottawa, ON.: Statistics Canada, 2001).
4. Baby Bust Period
The time period from 1967 onwards characterized by lower fertility rates.
5. Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)
The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), launched in 1991, is an effort by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure that all maternities, whether free standing or in a hospital, become centres of breastfeeding support. A maternity fac...
6. BabyFirst (now known as Families First)
A targeted, multiyear home visiting program for families with newborns living under conditions of risk. An important program goal is the prevention of outcomes associated with child maltreatment. Supervised by public health nurses, para-professional home...
7. BabyFirst Evaluation Data
The BabyFirst Evaluation data contains information from a provincial assessment of the BabyFirst home visiting program, including 5-minute Apgar scores, as well as social, economic, and health-related indicators for all families with newborns who were det...
8. BabyFirst Screening (BFS) Form
A brief measure of biological, social, and demographic risk factors. This is used by public health nurses to screen all postpartum referrals in Manitoba. The BFS is the first of two screening stages for Manitoba's BabyFirst program. For more information s...
9. BabyFirst Screening Data
The BabyFirst Screening data is Social data maintained by Healthy Child Manitoba (HCM) that contains information about biological, social, and demographic risk factors that Manitoba families with children may be exposed to. The screen captures all familie...
10. Bacteremia
The existence of bacteria in the bloodstream.
11. Balloon Angioplasty
See Angioplasty glossary term.
12. Band
A First Nation (community) that is governed under the Indian Act (1876) on the condition of having reserve land, having a trust fund held by the government for the community’s use and benefit, or being declared as a band by the Governor General (
13. Baseline Comorbidity
A measure of comorbidity taken at a specific point in time, that is used as a basis for comparison against other measures of comorbidity.
14. Baseline Mortality
Mortality rates, generally premature mortality, at a specific point in time or place (e.g. Manitoba). This rate is used as a baseline, or reference point for further comparisons.
15. Baseline Test Index (BTI)
A dependent variable for purposes of identifying socio-economic factors associated with poor health. This variable is constructed from five indicators: standardized fertility rates and acute hospitalizations for four conditions in selected age or gender ...
16. Bed Map Data
The Bed Map data contains current and historical annual / fiscal year information about the number of beds available in health care facilities across Manitoba from April 1, 1985 forward. This includes information on the number of acute, Personal Care Hom...
17. Bed Supply / Bed Map
Manitoba Health maintains information about the supply of hospital beds located in each region, expressed as beds per region and beds per 1000 population. See the Bed Map data glossary term for more i...
18. Beds Per Capita
The number of beds per some measure of the population, usually per 1000 or 100,000 people.
19. Beers Criteria
A list of drugs, compiled and updated by expert review panels, that should be avoided for use by older adults, as they are generally thought to be ineffective or to place older adults at an unnecessary high risk of experiencing adverse events. These medic...
20. Being a Victim of a Crime
Individuals who have had contact with the justice system and are identified using the Prosecutions Information and Scheduling Management (PRISM) database as having been a victim of a crime.
21. Being a Witness of a Crime
Individuals who have had contact with the justice system and are identified using the Prosecutions Information and Scheduling Management (PRISM) database as having been a witness of a crime. A witness ...
22. Being Accused of a Crime
Individuals who have had contact with the justice system and are identified using the Prosecutions and Information and Scheduling Management (PRISM) database having been accused of a crime.
23. Being Taken into Care by Child and Family Services
Children who have been removed from the care of their original families because of a situation where authorities have deemed their family unable or unfit to look after them properly. In some cases, children are voluntarily placed into care by their parent...
24. Benchmark Specific Total
The benchmark total is the sum of hospital costs generated using the hospital CWC, the combined method of allocating outpatient expenditures, costs attributed using the personal care home addresses (excluding federal PCHs), and costs attributed to the loc...
25. Bentler and Bonnet's Normed Fit Index (NFI)
Also called Bentler-Bonett Normed Fit Index, NFI is an incremental measure of goodness of fit for a statistical model, which is not affected by the number of parameters/variables in the model. Goodness of fit is measured through a comparison of the model ...
26. Benzodiazepine DDDs of Users
This is a measure of the crude and adjusted average annual rate of benzodiazepine Defined Daily Dose (DDD) among residents aged 16 and older with at least one prescription for benzodiazepines. DDDs were calculated only for solid forms of the drug, such ...
27. Benzodiazepine Prescribing for Residents of Personal Care Homes (PCH)
The percent of PCH residents 75 and older who had at least two prescriptions for benzodiazepines (ATC codes N05BA, N05CD, N05CF, and N03AE01) or at least one prescription for benzodiazepines with a greater than 30 day supply dispensed. PCHs with hospital-...
28. Benzodiazepine Prescriptions
This is a measure of the crude and adjusted percentage of residents aged 16 and older with at least one prescription for benzodiazepines in a fiscal year. Chronic prevalence was defined as at least three prescriptions in a fiscal year. Please s...
29. Benzodiazepine Prescriptions to Community-Dwelling Older Adults
This measures the crude percentage of seniors aged 75 and older who had at least two prescriptions for benzodiazepines or at least one prescription for benzodiazepines with a greater than 30 day supply, measured annually for three fiscal years. NOT...
30. Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines belong to the group of medicines called central nervous system (CNS) depressants. They are used to slow down the nervous system and are typically classified as having short, intermediate or a long-acting half-life, to reflect how long thes...
31. Beta 2-Agonist
A group of drugs that is used as a first line treatment to alleviate asthma symptoms. These are identified by the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) drug classification codes: R03AA, R03AB, and R03AC.
32. Beta-Blocker
Also known as beta-adrenergic blocking agents, these drugs are used to reduce blood pressure and have been shown to lower the risk of subsequent heart attacks. These are identified by the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) drug classification codes: C...
33. BFS
acronym for BabyFirst Screening (BFS) .
34. Bilingual
A person who speaks two languages. In Chartier et al. (2012), it refers to people who speak French and English.
35. Billing Numbers
A unique number provided by Manitoba Health to a physician, so that the physician can make claims and bill the government for services they provide.
36. Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is commonly defined in the social sciences as having five or more alcoholic drinks on one occasion. According to Health Canada, binge drinking is linked to motor vehicle accidents, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and other health issues...
37. Binomial Distribution
A discrete probability distribution appropriate for analyzing count data when an event can have only two possible outcomes (Rosner, 1995).
38. Biological Children at Enrolment Form
The Biological Children at Enrolment form is a one-page form used in the Insight Mentoring Program that collects information on previously born children other than the target child upon program entry. The data collected includes each child’s birthdate, ...
39. Biological mother of a child
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg A woman who has conceived the child and whose genes are therefore transmitted to the child...
40. Biological Sensitivity to Context
See Differential Susceptibility Hypothesis.
41. Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate (BGTD)
The federal authority in Canada that regulates biological drugs (products derived from living sources)and radiopharmaceuticals (drugs containing a radioactive compound) for human use. See
42. Birth Cohort / Age Cohort
Also known as age cohort, birth cohort is defined by birth in a particular year, or a range of birth years.
43. Birth Cohort Registry Database
A longitudinal cohort registry of Manitoba residents born between 1979 to 1989 (inclusive), developed by the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) using the Manitoba Health Insurance Registry, hospital discharge abstracts, and census databases. Child, ...
44. Birth Complications
See Complications of Labour and Delivery .
45. Birth Date
The date a person is born, identifying the month, day and year of birth.
46. Birth order
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg The order a child is born in their family, for example first-born or second born.
47. Birth Rate
The age-adjusted rate of births per 1,000 women was calculated for females age 15-45 for two different time periods (fiscal years 2011/12 and 2016/17) for comparison. Births were defined as live births coded in Manitoba hospital abstracts with ICD–10–...
48. Birth Trauma: Injury to Neonate
Birth trauma is an injury to a newborn during birth. Birth trauma includes subdural and cerebral hemorrhage; fracture of long bones or skull; injury to spine and spinal cord; phrenic nerve paralysis; eye damage; hematoma of liver (subcapsular), testes, vu...
49. Birth Weight
The weight of a newborn as recorded at birth, usually measured in grams.
50. Blended Funding
A mix of two or more payment methods, such as capitation supplemented with fee-for-service or salary components.
51. Blended Rate
A method used by Hospital Medical Records Institute (HMRI) to adjust its cost per case for Alternate Level of Care (ALC) patients in short term units.
52. Block Care
The combined scheduling of direct service resources where a number of Home Care clients are situated in close physical proximity (e.g. elderly persons housing unit, senior housing complexes).
53. Blood Sugar Screening
A test done to measure the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Our data do not allow us to differentiate between fasting and random blood sugar tests, or between tests for screening or disease monitoring purposes. These are identified by the physician...
54. BMI
acronym for Body Mass Index (BMI) .
55. Boarder Baby
A newborn who does not require acute care, but is in hospital because the mother is ill. A boarder baby either remains in hospital after birth until the mother is discharged, or is later admitted to hospital to stay with the mother.
56. Boarder Mother
A woman who has recently given birth, is well, and has completed her acute care, but is in hospital because her newborn is ill. A boarder mother may remain in hospital until the newborn is discharged, be transferred or later admitted to hospital to stay w...
57. Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a statistical measure used to classify and compare individuals according to their height and weight. BMI is calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in metres) squared and, typically, ranges from 15 to 45.
58. Bollen's Normed Index (Rho1)
Incremental measure of goodness of fit for a statistical model, the normed index (also known as relative fit index) is similar to Normed Fit Index with the exception that the fit is affected by each additional parameter or variable in the model (Widaman K...
59. Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Data
The Manitoba Bone Mineral Density (BMD) data contains demographic and clinical data on all bone mineral density testing performed within the Manitoba Bone Density Program. For more information on Bone Mineral Density (BMD) data, see the:
60. Bonferroni Adjustments
See Bonferroni Method glossary term.
61. Bonferroni Method
A statistical method that adjusts the significance level when multiple comparisons are made.
62. Booster
An additional dose of a vaccine after an earlier dose, re-exposing the person to the immunizing antigen and increasing immunity against the antigen.
63. Bootstrapping
Bootstrapping is a statistical "... technique for estimating the variance and the bias of an estimator by repeatedly drawing random samples with replacement from the observations at hand. One applies the estimator to each sample drawn, thus obtaining a se...
64. Bottom-up Costing
See Micro-Costing .
65. Breast Cancer Incidence
Breast cancer incidence is the rate per 100,000 individuals with a new diagnosis of invasive breast cancer in a time period. Breast cancer is identified by ICD-O-3 topography axis codes C500-C509.
66. Breast Cancer Screening
Mammography is a commonly used procedure in breast cancer screening to determine if a woman has breast cancer or a breast tumor. Manitoba's breast screening program, now called BreastCheck, is operated by CancerCare Manitoba's Breast Screening Pro...
67. Breast Screening Data – CancerCare Manitoba (CCMB)
The Breast Screening data, maintained by CancerCare Manitoba, contains details on breast screening services (mammograms) provided by CCMB, including date of service and screening result, and client-related demographic data, including birth date, sex and p...
68. Breast Surgery
Mastectomy is the surgical removal of the entire breast, usually to treat serious breast disease, such as breast cancer. Lumpectomy (breast conserving surgery) involves the removal of a malignant tumor and the surrounding margin of normal breast tissue; ...
69. Breastfeeding
Any live born newborn hospitalization (newborn hospitalizations are defined with ICD-9-CM codes V30 to V39) indicating partial or exclusive breastfeeding initiation. NOTE: Since April 1, 1987, breastfeeding initiation can be derived from the new...
70. Breastfeeding Duration Rate
In Brownell et al. (2001), breastfeeding duration (how long a baby was breastfed) rates are based on National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) 1996 survey data for Manitoba , where the length of breastfeeding was reported by the mother fo...
71. Breastfeeding Initiation
Breastfeeding initiation starts when a mother begins to feed her infant milk from her breast. Breastfeeding initiation is identified as any live born newborn hospitalization (newborn hospitalizations are defined with ICD-9-CM codes V30 to V39 or ICD-10-C...
72. Breastfeeding Initiation Rate
The percentage / ratio of live born babies born in a Manitoba hospital with a Manitoba postal code or municipality code who were exclusively or partially breast fed (information recorded on the hospital discharge abstract), to the number of live born babi...
73. Breech Birth
The birth of a baby from a breech presentation. For more information, see the Breech Presentation glossary term. In Heaman et al. (2012), a breech birth was defined by the presence of one or more of the...
74. Breech Presentation
"A birth in which the buttocks and/or feet are presented instead of the head." (Olds SB et al., 2004).
75. Bronchitis
Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
76. BTI
acronym for Baseline Test Index (BTI)
77. Burns Registry Data
The Burns Registry data contains clinical data on individuals treated in the adult and children Burn Units at the WRHA's Health Sciences Centre. This includes patient demographics and characteristics; cause, circumstance and site of injury; clinical meas...
78. Bypass Surgery
See the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) / Surgery glossary term.
79. Bypass Surgery Rate - CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)
The rate of surgeries performed per 1,000 area residents age 40+. For a list of ICD-9-CM and CCI procedure codes, please see the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) / Surgery glossary term.

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
