The MCHP GIS MANUAL - Layout View


Introduction   Contents

1. Basic Use of ArcMap 
   Creating a Map 
   Data Frame Tools
   Data Frame Properties
   Tables and Charts
   Layout View
   Saving Map Documents
   Activity 1

2. Map Projections
3. ArcCatalog 
   Basic Uses    
4. ArcToolBox 
   Basic Uses    
5. Adding Spatial Information
   Adding Non-Spatial Data
   Dbase Files
   Activity 2

6. Selecting Data
   By Graphics
   By Location
   Activity 3

7.  Exporting Maps
   Activity 4
   General Information
   Data Sets


Layout View & Multiple Frames

To this point most of the work that we have done with the GIS is in what is called Data View. ArcGIS will allow you to generate specific layouts that include multiple frames of the data, charts, tables, etc…

Layout View is selected from the View menu. A layout lets you assemble all the components you want to appear in a map including multiple frames, scale bars, charts and other text.

In Layout View there are other options that are specific to the layout. These are available through the Layout toolbar. Many of these buttons have similar functions to those in the view window except they apply to the layout and do not change what is actually in the frame. For example the zoom in/out and pan options change the amount of the page that you see but what gets printed in the end is still what is inside the page boundaries.

A new set of items are available from the insert menu that will allow you to add frames that contain existing data frames, tables, charts and pictures. Select the type of frame you want to add and drag out a square in the layout window.

There are a number of frame properties available for each frame that can be explored at your leisure. After a data frame has been added you can add scale bars and legends that correspond to the view – if you have multiple frames you can chose which frame the scale and legends are associated with. Legends will only display what is still shown as a legend (that is not hidden) in the table of contents in the view. When working with multiple frames make sure that the one you are working with is the active frame in the Table of Contents.

Like any frame or object in other vector based programs frames can be moved and layered. Occasionally when a frame is moved the layout display will not refresh correctly. Click on the refresh view button at the bottom of the screen.

The page size of the layout and properties can be configured by selecting Page setup in the File menu.

When printing or saving files you should to include the following information: date, data source, projection, scale.

Basic Use: Tables and Charts
Basic Use: Saving Map Documents

Contact: Charles Burchill       Telephone: (204) 789-3429

Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
4th floor Brodie Centre
408 - 727 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3P5       Fax: (204) 789-3910
Last modified on Friday, 25-Aug-2006 08:06:00 CDT