View reference

Fransoo R, Martens P, The Need to Know Team, Prior H, Burchill C, Koseva I, Rajotte L. Who is in our Hospitals.and why? Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2013. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials]

Related concepts

Alternate Level of Care (ALC) Patients - Method of Identification
Hospital Types
Level of Care (LOC) - In Hospital
Palliative Care - Data Sources and Method of Identification

Related terms

Aboriginal Peoples
Acute Care
Adjusted Rates
Administrative Data
ALC (Alternate Level of Care) Days of Hospital Care
ALC (Alternate Level of Care) Hospitalization
ALC (Alternate Level of Care) Reason Code
Alternate Level of Care (ALC)
Binomial Distribution
Boarder Baby
Boarder Mother
Canadian Census Data
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
Case Mix Groups (CMG™)
Chronic Care
Coded ALC (Alternate Level of Care)
Confidence Interval (CI) / Confidence Limits (CL)
Day Surgery / Outpatient Surgery
Dissemination Area (DA)
Fiscal Year (FY)
Generalized Linear Model (GLM)
Heavy Users
Home Care
Home Care Data
Hospital Abstract
Hospital Catchment: Where Patients Using RHA Hospitals Came From - Days
Hospital Catchment: Where Patients Using RHA Hospitals Came From - Hospitalizations
Hospital Discharge Abstracts Data
Hospital Location
Hospital Location: Where RHA Residents Were Hospitalized - Hospitalizations
Hospital Types
Income Quintiles / Income Quintile
Intermediate Rural Hospital
International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Group® (ACG®) Case-Mix System
Level of Care (LOC) - In Hospital
Live Birth Service Type
Logistic Regression
Long Term Care (LTC)
Long Term Care (LTC) Utilization History Data
Major Rural Hospital
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP)
Manitoba Health
Manitoba Health Insurance Registry (MHIR) Data
Manitoba Population Research Data Repository (Repository)
MCHP Research Registry
Medical Service Type
Medical Services / Medical Claims Data
Mental Disorders Service Type
Most Responsible Diagnosis
National Rehabilitation Reporting System (NRS) Data
Negative Binomial Distribution
Nursing Stations
Obstetric Service Type
Odds Ratio
Office of the Public Trustee
Out of Hospital (OOH)
Out of Province (OOP)
Palliative Care
Palliative Service Type
Personal Care Home (PCH)
Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN)
Poisson Distribution
Poisson Regression
Possible ALC (Alternate Level of Care)
Pregnancy and Birth Service Type
Premature Mortality Rate (PMR)
Psychiatric Unit
Reference Group
Regional Health Authority (RHA)
Rehabilitative Care
Residents of Personal Care Homes (PCH)
Resource Utilization Bands (RUBs)
Respite / Respite Care
Service Codes
Service Transfer Code
Service Type - In Hospital
Sickness Level
Small Rural Hospital
Supportive Housing
Surgical Service Type
Tertiary Hospital / Tertiary Care Hospital
The Need to Know Team (NTK)
Transitional Care Facilities
Urban Community Hospitals
Wards of the Public Trustee / Public Trustee Wards
Z Code


Manitoba Report