Max Rady College of Medicine

RHA Indicators Atlas 09 Data Extras

(XLS)RHA Indicators Atlas 2009 Appendix Figures and Tables

Chapter 01: Introduction & Methods
Chapter 02: Demographics
Chapter 03: Population Health Status and Mortality
Chapter 04: Prevalence and Mortality Burden of Physical Illness
Chapter 05: Mental Illness
Chapter 06: Physician Services
Chapter 07: Hospital Services
Chapter 08: High Profile Surgical and Diagnostic Services
Chapter 09: Use of Home Care Services
Chapter 10: Use of Personal Care Homes (PCHs)
Chapter 11: Preventive and Other Services
Chapter 12: Prescription Drug Use
Chapter 13: Quality of Primary Care
Chapter 14: Results from the Canadian Community Health Survey


Chapter 01: Introduction & Methods

Premature Mortality Rates by RHA, 1996-2005 (Figures 1.5 - 1.7)

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Chapter 02: Demographics

Demographics Population Pyramids by RHA, Charts and Tables (Table 2.0, Figures 2.0 - 2.1.12b)
Demographics Population Pyramid Data for Winnipeg Community Area (XLS)
Demographics Template for Population Pyramids with District Data (XLS)
How to Make Population Pyramid (DOC)

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Chapter 03: Population Health Status and Mortality

Total Mortality Rates (Figure 3.1.1 - 3.1.6, Appendix Table 2.1)

Causes of Death (Figures 3.2.1 - 3.2.10)

Premature Mortality Rates (Figures 3.3.1 - 3.3.6, Appendix Table 2.2)

Causes of Premature Death (Figures 3.4.1 - 3.4.10)

Life Expectancy - Male (Figures 3.5.1 - 3.5.6, Appendix Table 2.3)

Life Expectancy - Female (Figures 3.6.1 - 3.6.6, Appendix Table 2.4)

Potential Years of Life Lost (Figures 3.7.1 - 3.7.6, Appendix Table 2.5)

Injury Mortality Rates (Figures 3.8.1 - 3.8.6, Appedix Table 2.6)

Injury Deaths by Cause (Figures 3.9.1 - 3.9.10)

Injury Deaths by Cause - Male (XLS)

Injury Deaths by Cause - Female (XLS)

Suicide Rates (Figure 3.10.1 - 3.10.4, Appendix Table 2.7)

Injury Motrality Rates - Male (Appendix Tale 3.1)

Injury Mortality Rates - Female (Appendix Table 3.2)

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Chapter 04: Prevalence and Mortality Burden of Physical Illness

Hypertension Prevalence (Figures 4.1.1 - 4.1.6, Appendix Table 2.8)

Arthritis Prevalence (Figures 4.2.1 - 4.2.6, Appendix Table 2.9 (XLS))

Total Respiratory Morbidity Rates (Figures 4.3.1 – 4.3.3, 4.3.5 - 4.3.7, Appendix Table 2.10)

Total Respiratory Morbidity Prevalence by Age (Figures 4.3.4, 4.1 - 4.5)

Diabetes Prevalence (Figures 4.4.1 - 4.4.6, Appendix Table 2.11 (XLS))

Ischemic Heart Disease Prevalence (Figure 4.5.1 - 4.5.6, Appendix Table 2.12)

Osteoporosis Prevalence (Figures 4.6.1 - 4.6.6, Appendix Table 2.13)

Heart Attack (AMI) Rates (Figures 4.7.1 - 4.7.6, Appendix Table 2.14)

Stroke Incidence Rates (Figures 4.8.1 - 4.8.6, Appendix Table 2.15)

Lower Limb Amputations Among Residents with Diabetes (Figures 4.9.1 - 4.9.6, Appendix Table 2.16)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Hypertension (Figures 4.10.1 - 4.10.6, Appendix Table 2.17)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Arthritis (Figures 4.11.1 - 4.11.6, Appendix Table 2.18)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Total Respiratory Morbidity (Figures 4.12.1 - 4.2.6, Appendix Table 2.19)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Diabetes (Figures 4.13.1 - 4.13.6, Appendix Table 2.20)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Ischemic Heart Disease (Figures 4.14.1 - 4.14.6, Appendix Table 2.21)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Osteoporosis (Figures 4.15.1 - 4.15.6, Appendix Table 2.22)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Cumulative Mental Illness (Figures 4.16.1 - 4.16.6, Appendix Table 2.23)

Osteoporosis Prevalence - Male (Appendix Table 3.3)

Osteoporosis Prevalence - Female (Appendix Table 3.4)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Hypertension - Male (Appendix Table 3.5)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Hypertension - Female (Appendix Table 3.6)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Arthritis - Male (Appendix Table 3.7)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Arthritis - Female (Appendix Table 3.8)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Total Respiratory Morbidity - Male (Appendix Table 3.9)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Total Respiratory Morbidity - Female (Appendix Table 3.10)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Diabetes - Male (Appendix Table 3.11)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Diabetes - Female (Appendix Table 3.12)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Ischemic Heart Disease - Male (Appendix Table 3.13)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Ischemic Heart Disease - Female (Appendix Table 3.14)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Osteoporosis - Male (Appendix Table 3.15)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Osteoporosis - Female (Appendix Table 3.16)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Cumulative Mental Illness - Male (Appendix Table 3.17)

Five-Year Mortality With and Without Cumulative Mental Illness - Female (Appendix Table 3.18)

Diabetes Prevalence by RHA and District (XLS)

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Chapter 05: Mental Illness

Comparison of Mental Illness Prevalence Values (Table 5.1)
Prevalence of Cumulative Disorders (Figures 5.1.1 - 5.1.6, Appendix Table 2.24)
Prevalence of Depression (Figures 5.2.1 - 5.2.6, Appendix Table 2.25)
Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders (Figures 5.3.1 - 5.3.6, Appendix Table 2.26)
Prevalence of Substance Abuse (Figures 5.4.1 - 5.4.6, Appendix Table 2.27)
Prevalence of Schizophrenia (Figures 5.5.1 - 5.5.6, Appendix Table 2.28)
Prevalence of Personality Disorders (Figures 5.6.1 - 5.6.6, Appendix Table 2.29)
Prevalence of Dementia (Figures 5.7.1 - 5.7.6, Appendix Table 2.30)

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Chapter 06: Physician Services

Use of Physicians (Figures 6.1.1 - 6.1.6, Appendix Table 2.31)
Ambulatory Visit Rates (Figures 6.2.1 - 6.2.6, Appendix Table 2.32)
Ambulatory Consultation Rates (Figures 6.3.1 - 6.3.6, Appendix Table 2.33)
Ambulatory Visits to Specialists (Figures 6.4.1 - 6.4.6, Appendix Table 2.34)
Continuity of Care Rates (Figures 6.5.1 - 6.5.6, Appendix Table 2.35)
Ambulatory Visit Rates by Age and Sex (Figures 6.6.1 - 6.6.5)
Location of GP Visits (Figure 6.7.1, Table 6.7.1)
Location of Specialist Visits (Figure 6.8.1, Table 6.8.1)
Physician Visits by Cause (Figures 6.9.1 - 6.9.10) 

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Chapter 07: Hospital Services

Hospital Bed Supply by RHA (Figure 7.1.1)
Use of Hospitals (Figures 7.2.1 - 7.2.6, Appendix Table 2.36)
Hospital Separation Rates (Figures 7.3.1 - 7.3.6, Appendix Table 2.37)
Hospital Days Used in Short Stays (Figures 7.4.1 - 7.4.6, Appendix Table 2.38)
Hospital Days Used in Long Stays (Figures 7.5.1 - 7.5.6, Appendix Table 2.39)
Causes of Hospitalization (Figures 7.6.1 - 7.6.10)

Where RHA Residents Went for Hospital Separations (Figure 7.7.1, Table 7.7.1)

Where RHA Residents Went for Hospital Days (Figure 7.8.1, Table 7.8.1)

Where RHA Hospital Patients Came From: Separations (Figure7.9.1, Table 7.9.1)
Where RHA Hospital Patients Came From: Days (Figure 7.10.1, Table 7.10.1)
Injury Hospitalization Rates (Figures 7.11.1 - 7.11.6, Appendix Table 2.40)
Causes of Injuries Resulting in Hospialization (Figures 7.12.1 - 7.12.10)
Rate of Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (Fiures 7.13.1 - 7.13.6, Appendix Table 2.41) 

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Chapter 08: High Profile Surgical and Diagnostic Services

Cardiac Catheterization Rates (Figures 8.1.1 - 8.1.6, Appendix Table 2.42)
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Rates (Figures 8.2.1 - 8.2.6, Appendix Table 2.43)
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Rates (Figures 8.3.1 - 8.3.6, Appendix Table 2.44)

Hip Replacement Surgery Rates (Figures 8.4.1 - 8.4.6, Appendix Table 2.45)

Knee Replacement Surgery Rates (Figures 8.5.1 - 8.5.6, Appendix Table 2.46)

Cataract Surgery Rates (Figures 8.6.1 - 8.6.6, Appendix Table 2.47)

Trans Urethral Resection of he Prostate (TURP) Rates (Figures 8.7.1 - 8.7.6, Appendix Table 2.48)

MRI Scan Rates (Figures 8.8.1 - 8.8.6, Appendix Table 2.49 (XLS))

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Chapter 09: Use of Home Care Services

New Home Care Cases (Figures 9.1.1 - 9.1.6, Appendix Table 2.50)

Open Home Care Cases (Figures 9.2.1 - 9.2.6, Appendix Table 2.51)

Home Care Case Closing Rates (Figures 9.3.1 - 9.3.6, Appendix Table 2.52)

Average Length of Home Care Cases (Figure 9.4.1 - 9.4.6, Appendix Table 2.53)

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Chapter 10: Use of Personal Care Homes (PCHs)

Supply of Personal Care Home Beds (Figure 10.1.1)

Admission to Personal Care Homes (Figure 10.2.1 - 10.2.2, Appendix Table 2.54)

Residents in PCH (Figure 10.3.1 - 10.3.2, Appendix Table 2.55)

Median Waiting Times for PCH Admission (Figure 10.4.1 - 10.4.2)

Median Waiting Times for PCH Admission - Male (Appendix Table 3.23)

Median Waiting Times for PCH Admission - Female (Appendix Table 3.24)

Level of Care on Admission to PCH (Figure 10.5.1 - 10.5.2)

Level of Care on Admission to PCH - Male (Appendix Table 3.19, 3.21)

Level of Care on Admission to PCH - Female (Appendix Table 3.20, 3.22)

Median Length of Stay (years) by Level of Care at Admission to PCH (Tables 10.6.1 - 10.6.2)

Where RHA Residents Went for PCH Admission (Figure 10.7.1, Table 10.7.1)

Where PCH Residents Came From Prior to Admission (Figure 10.8.1, Table 10.8.1)

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Chapter 11: Preventive and Other Services

Adult Influenza Immunization Rates (Figures 11.1.1 - 11.1.6, Appendix Table 2.56)

Pneumococcal Immunization Rates (Figures 11.2.1 - 11.2.6, Appendix Table 2.57)

Mammography Rates (Figures 11.3.1 - 11.3.6, Appendix Table 2.58)

Papanicolauo Test Rates (Figures 11.4.1 - 11.4.6, Appendix Table 2.59)

Healthlinks Contact Rates (Figures 11.5.1 - 11.5.6, Appendix Table 2.60)

Healthlinks Contact Rates - Male (Appendix Table 3.25)

Healthlinks Contact Rates - Female (Appendix Table 3.26)

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Chapter 12: Prescription Drug Use

Pharmaceutical Use by RHA (Figures 12.1.1 - 12.1.6, Appendix Table 2.61)
Number of Different Drug Types Dispensed per User (Figures 12.2.1 - 12.2.6, Appendix Table 2.62)
Antidepressant Use (Figures 12.3.1 - 12.3.6, Appendix Table 2.63)

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Chapter 13: Quality of Primary Care

Antidepressant Prescription Follow-Up (Figures 13.1.1 - 13.1.6, Appendix Table 2.64)
Asthma Care (Figures 13.2.1 - 13.2.6, Appendix Table 2.65)
Diabetes Care: Eye Examinations (Figures 13.3.1 - 13.3.4, Appendix Table 2.66)

Post-AMI Care: Beta-Blocker Prescribing (Figures 13.4.1 - 13.4.6, Appendix 2.67)

Benzodiazepine Prescribing for Community Dwelling Seniors (Figures 13.5.1 - 13.5.6, Appendix Table 2.68)

Benzodiazepine Prescribing for Residents of Personal Care Homes (Figures 13.6.1 - 13.6.3, Appendix Table 2.69)

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Chapter 14: Results from the Canadian Community Health Survey

CCHS Rates of Self-Rated Health by RHA (XLS)

Self-Rated Health Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.83)

Self-Rated Health Rates Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.27)

Self-Rated Health Rates (Figures 14.1.1 - 14.1.4, Table 14.1, Appendix Table 2.70)

CCHS Rates of SF-36 Perfect Physical Functioning by RHA (XLS)

SF-36 Perfect Physical Functioning by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.84)

SF-36 Perfect Physical Functioning Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.28)

SF-36 Perfect Physical Functioning (Figures 14.2.1 - 14.2.4, Table 14.2, Appendix Table 2.71)

CCHS Rates of SF-36 General Mental Health Scale by RHA (XLS)

SF-36 General Mental Health Scale by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.85)

SF-36 General Mental Health Scale Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.29)

SF-36 General Mental Health Scale (Figures14.3.1 - 14.3.4, Table 14.3, Appendix Table 2.72)

CCHS Rates of Self-Perceived Work Stress  by RHA (XLS)

Self-Perceived Work Stress Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.86)

Self-Perceived Work Stress Rates Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.30)

Self-Perceived Work Stress Rates (Figures 14.4.1 - 14.4.4, Table 14.4, Appendix Table 2.73)

CCHS Rates of Self-Perceived Life Stress by RHA (XLS)

Self-Perceived Life Stress Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.87)

Self-Perceived Life Stress Rates Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.31)

Self-Perceived Life Stress Rates (Figures 14.5.1 - 14.5.4, Table 14.4, Appendix Table 2.74)

CCHS Rates of Life Satisfaction by RHA (XLS)

Life Satisfaction Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.88)

Life Satisfaction Rates Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.32)

Life Satisfaction Rates (Figures 14.6.1 - 14.6.4, Table 14.6, Appendix Table 2.75)

CCHS Rates of Smoking by RHA (XLS)

Tobacco Smoking Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.89)

Tobacco Smoking Rates Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.33)

Tobacco Smoking Rates (Figures 14.7.1 - 14.7.4, Table 14.7, Appendix Table 2.76)

CCHS Rates of Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke at Home by RHA (XLS)

Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke at Home by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.90)

Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke at Home (Appendix 3.34)

Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke at Home (Figure 14.8.1 - 14.8.4, Table 14.8, Appendix Table 2.77)

CCHS Rates of Binge Drinking By RHA (XLS)
Binge Drinking Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.91)
Binge Drinking Rates Male/Female by RHA (Appendix Table 3.35)
Binge Drinking (Figures 14.9.1 - 14.9.4, Tables 14.9, Appendix Table 2.78)
CCHS Rates of Obesity (BMI) by RHA
Body Mass Index Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.92)
Body Mass Index Rates Male/Female by RHA (Appendix Table 3.36)
Body Mass Index (Figures 14.10.1 - 14.10.4, Table 14.10, Appendix Table 2.79)

CCHS Rates of Physical Activity by RHA (XLS)

Total Physical Activity Rates (Work + Leisure + Travel) by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.93)

Total Physical Activity Rates (Work + Leisure + Travel) Male/Female (Appendix Table 3.37)

Total Physical Activity Rates (Work + Leisure + Travel) (Figures 14.11.1 - 14.11.4, Table 14.11, Appendix Table 2.80)

CCHS Rates of Activity Limitations By RHA (XLS)

Activity Limitations Rates by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.94)

Activity Limitations Rates Male/Female by RHA (Appendix Table 3.38)

Activity Limitations (Figures 14.12.1 - 14.12.4, Tables 14.12, Appendix Table 2.81)

CCHS Rates of Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables by RHA (XLS)

Average Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables by Income Quintile (Appendix Table 2.95)
Average Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables Male/Female by RHA (Appendix Table 3.39)
Average Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables (Figure, 14.13.1-14.13.4, Table 14.13, Appendix Table 2.82)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
