Max Rady College of Medicine

Profile of Manitoba Metis Health Status Data Extras

Profile of Metis Health Status and Healthcare Utilization in Manitoba: A Population-Based Study
Appendix, Figures, and Tables

Chapter 01: Introduction and Methods
Chapter 03: Demographics
Chapter 04: Population Health Status and Mortality
Chapter 05: Prevalence of Physical Illness
Chapter 06: Prevalence of Mental Illness
Chapter 07: Prevention and Screening Services
Chapter 08: Child Health
Chapter 09: Use of Physician Services
Chapter 10: Use of Hospital Services
Chapter 11: High Profile Surgical and Diagnostic Services
Chapter 12: Use of Home Care and Personal Care Homes (PCH)
Chapter 13: Prescription Use
Chapter 14: Quality of Primary Care
Chapter 15: Health Practices and Personal Characteristics from the CCHS
Chapter 16: Education and Social Services


Chapter 01: Introduction and Methods

Figure 1.5: Premature Mortality Rate 10 Year New Cohort (XLS)


Chapter 03: Demographics

Figures 3.1-3.12: Population Pyramids by RHA (XLS)

Figures 3.13-3.19: Population Pyramids by MMF Region (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.1: Population (RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA)

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Chapter 04: Population Health Status and Mortality

Figures 4.1.1-4.1.3: Premature Mortality Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 4.2.1-4.2.3: Total Mortality Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 4.3.1-4.3.3: Injury Mortality Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 4.4.1-4.4.4: Mortality by Cause (XLS)

Figures 4.6.1-4.6.3: Potential Years of Life Lost by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 4.7.1-4.7.2: Suicide Rate by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figures 4.8.1-4.8.3: Suicide Prevelance and Attempts by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 4.9.1-4.9.3: Five-Year Mortality Rate for Diabetes by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 4.10.1-4.10.3: Five-Year Mortality Rate for Cumulative Mental Illness by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.2: Premature Mortality Rates (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.3: Total Mortality Rates (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.4: Injury Mortality Rate (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.5: Potential Years of Life Lost (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.6: Suicide Rates (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.7: Suicide or Attempted Suicide Rates (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.8: Five-Year Mortality Rates for Individuals with Diabetes (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.9: Five-Year Mortality Rates for Individuals with Cumulative Mental Illness (XLS)

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Chapter 05: Prevalence of Physical Illness

Figures 5.1.1-5.1.3: Hypertension Prevalence by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 5.2.1-5.2.3: Arthritis Prevelance by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 5.3.1-5.3.3: Total Respiratory Morbitiy Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 5.4.1-5.4.3: Diabetes Prevalence by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figures 5.5.1-5.5.3: Diabetes-Related Lower Limb Amputation Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 5.6.1-5.6.3: Ischemic Heart Disease Prevalence by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 5.7.1-5.7.3: Osteoporosis Prevalence by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 5.8.1-5.8.3: Dialysis Initiation Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 5.9.1: Heart Attack (AMI) Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA

Figure 5.10.1: Stroke Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.10: Hypertension Prevalence (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.11: Arthritis Prevelance (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.12: Total Respiratory Morbidity (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.13: Diabetes Prevalence (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.14: Diabetes-Related Lower Limb Amputation Rate (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.15: Ischemic Heart Disease Prevalence (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.16: Osteoporosis Prevalence (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.17: Dialysis Initiation Rate (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.18: Heart Attack Rate (AMI)

Appendix Table 2.19: Stroke Rate (XLS)

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Chapter 06: Prevalence of Mental Illness

Figure 6.1.1-6.1.3: Prevalence of Cumulative Mental Illness Disorders by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 6.2.1-6.2.3: Prevalence of Depression by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 6.3.1-6.3.3: Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 6.4.1-6.4.3: Prevalence of Substance Abuse by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 6.5.1-6.5.3: Prevalence of Schizophrenia by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 6.6.1-6.6.3: Prevalence of Personality Disorders by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 6.7.1-6.7.3: Prevalence of Dementia by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.20: Prevalence of Cumulative Mental Illness Disorders (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.21: Prevalence of Depression (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.22:  Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.23: Prevalence of Substance Abuse (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.24: Prevalence of Schizophrenia (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.25: Prevalence of Personality Disorders (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.26: Prevalence of Dementia (XLS)

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Chapter 07: Prevention and Screening Services

Figure 7.1.1-7.1.3: Proportion of Children with Complete Immunizations at Two Years, by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 7.2.1-7.2.3: Adult Influenza Immunization Rates by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 7.3.1-7.3.2: Mammography by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 7.4.1-7.4.3: Cervical Cancer Screening Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.27: Complete Immunizations at Two Years (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.28: Adult Influenza Immunization (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.29: Mammography (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.30: Cervical Cancer Screening (XLS)

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Chapter 08: Child Health

Figure 8.1.1-8.1.3: Breastfeeding Initiation Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 8.2.1-8.2.3:  Teen Pregnancy Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 8.3.1-8.3.4: Newborn Hospital Readmission Rates Within Four Weeks of Birth Discharge by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 8.3.5-8.3.6: Reasons for Newborn Hospital Readmission Within 4 Weeks of Birth Discharge for Metis (XLS)

Figure 8.4.1-8.4.2: Infant Mortality Rate by Aggregate RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 8.4.3-8.5.4: Causes of Infant Mortality (XLS)

Figure 8.5.1-8.5.2: Child Mortality Rate by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 8.6.1: ADHD Prevalence by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.31: Breastfeeding Initiation (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.32:  Teen Pregnancy (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.33: Newborn Hospital  Readmission (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.34: Infant Mortality (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.35: Child Mortality (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.36: ADHD Prevalence (XLS)

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Chapter 09: Use of Physician Services

Figure 9.1.1-9.1.3: Ambulatory Visit Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 9.1.4-9.1.5: Ambulatory Visits by Cause (ICD-9 CM)

Figure 9.1.6-9.1.11: Ambulatory Visit Rates by Age and Sex (XLS)

Figure 9.2.1-9.2.3: Ambulatory Consultation Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 9.3.1-9.3.3: Continuity of Care by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.37: Ambulatory Visit Rate (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.38: Ambulatory Consultation Rate (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.39: Continuity of Care (COC)

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Chapter 10: Use of Hospital Services

Figure 10.1.1-10.1.3: Total Hospital Separation Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 10.2.1: Where RHA Residents Went for Hospital Separations (XLS)

Figure 10.3.1-10.3.2, 10.5.1-10.5.2: Hospital Separations by Cause (ICD-9 CM)

Figure 10.4.1-10.4.3: Injury Hospitalization Separation Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.40: Total Hospital Separations (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.41: Injury Hospitalization Separation (XLS)

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Chapter 11: High Profile Surgical and Diagnostic Services

Figure 11.1.1-11.1.3: Cardiac Catheterization Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 11.2.1-11.2.3: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 11.3.1-11.3.3: Hip Replacement Surgery Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLSX)

Figure 11.4.1-11.4.3: Knee Replacement Surgery Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 11.5.1-11.5.3: Cataract Surgery Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 11.6.1-11.6.3: C-Section Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 11.7.1-11.7.3: Hysterectomy Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.42: Cardiac Catheterization (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.43: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (CABG)

Appendix Table 2.44: Hip Replacement (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.45: Knee Replacement Surgery (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.46: Cataract Surgery Rate (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.47: C-Sections (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.48: Hysterectomy Rates (XLS)

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Chapter 12: Use of Home Care and Personal Care Homes (PCH)

Figure 12.1.1: Open Home Care Cases by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 12.2.1-12.2.3: Admissions to Personal Care Homes by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 12.3.1-12.3.3: Residents in Personal Care Homes by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 12.4.1-12.4.2 Median Waiting Times for PCH Admission (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.49: Open Home Care Cases (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.50: Admissions to Personal Care Homes (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.51: Residents in Personal Care Homes (XLS)

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Chapter 13: Prescription Use

Figure 13.1.1-13.1.3: Antibiotic Prescriptions by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 13.2.1-13.2.3: Antidepressant Prescriptions by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 13.3.1-13.3.3: Antipsychotic Prescriptions by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 13.4.1-13.4.3: Opioid Prescriptions by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 13.5.1-13.5.3: Repeated Opioid Prescriptions by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 13.6.1-13.6.3: Opioid Defined Daily Doses (DDD) Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA

Figure 13.7.1-13.7.3: Benzodiazepine Prescriptions by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 13.8.1-13.8.3: Repeated Benzodiazepine Prescriptions by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 13.9.1-13.9.3: Benzodiazepine Defined Daily Doses (DDD) Rate by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA

Appendix Table 2.52: Antibiotic Prescriptions (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.53: Antidepressant Prescriptions (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.54: Antipsychotic Prescriptions (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.55: Opioid Prescription (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.56: Repeated Opioid Prescriptions (3+)

Appendix Table 2.57: Opioid Defined Daily Doses (DDD)

Appendix Table 2.58: Benzodiazepine Prescriptions (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.59: Repeated  Benzodiazepine Prescriptions (3+)

Appendix Table 2.60: Benzodiazepine Defined Daily Doses (DDD)

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Chapter 14: Quality of Primary Care

Figure 14.1.1-14.1.3: Antidepressant Prescription Follow-Up by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 14.2.1-14.2.3: Asthma Care: Controller Medication Use by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 14.3.1-14.3.3: Diabetes Care: Annual Eye Exams by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 14.4.1-14.4.3: Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Care: Beta-Blocker Prescribing by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA

Figure 14.5.1-14.5.3: Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing of Benzodiazepines to Community Dwelling Older Adults by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.61: Antidepressant Prescription Follow-Up (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.62: Asthma Care: Controller Medication Use (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.63: Diabetes Care: Annual Eye Exams (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.64: Post-AMI Care: Beta-Blocker Prescribing (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.65: Potentially Inappropriate Benzodiazepine Prescription for Community Seniors (XLS)

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Chapter 15: Health Practices and Personal Characteristics from the CCHS

Figure 15.1.1-15.1.2: Self-Rated Health by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.2.1-15.2.2: Self-Perceived Stress by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.3.1-15.3.2: Self-Perceived Work Stress by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.4.1-15.4.2:  Life Satisfaction by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.5.1-15.5.2: Emotional Well-Being by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.6.1-15.6.2: Body Mass Index (BMI) by RHA, MMF Region

Figure 15.7.1-15.7.2: Average Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.8.1-15.8.2: Frequency of Having Five or More Drinks with Alcohol by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.9.1-15.9.2: Current Smokers by RHA, MMF Region, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.10.1-15.10.2: Exposure to Smoke Inside the Home by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Figure 15.11.1-15.11.2: Total Activity Level (Work + Leisure + Travel) by RHA, MMF Region

Figure 15.12.1-15.12.2: Limitation of Activities by RHA, MMF Region (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.66: Self-Rated Health (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.67:  Self-Perceived Stress (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.68: Self-Perceived Work Stress (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.69: Life Satisfaction (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.70: Emotional Well-Being (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.71: Body Mass Index (BMI)

Appendix Table 2.72: Average Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.73: Frequency of Having 5 or Drinks with Alcohol (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.74: Current Smokers (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.75: Exposure to Smoke Inside the Home (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.76: Total Activity Level (Work + Leisure + Travel)

Appendix Table 2.77: Limitation of Activities (XLS)

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Chapter 16: Education and Social Services

Figure 16.1.1-16.1.3: Retention Rates from Kindergarten to Grade 8 by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 16.2.1-16.2.2: Grade 3 Students with No School Changes in Four Years by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 16.3.1-16.3.3: On-time Pass Rates for the Grade 12 Standards Language Arts Test by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 16.4.1-16.4.3: On-time Pass Rates for the Grade 12 Standards Math Test by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 16.5.1-16.5.3: High School Completion Rates by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 16.6.1-16.6.3: Children in Families Receiving Provincial Income Assistance by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 16.7.1-16.7.3: Young Adults Receiving Provincial Income Assistance by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Figure 16.8.1-16.8.3: Prevalence of Children in Care by RHA, MMF Region, Winnipeg CA (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.78: Retention Rates from Kindergarten to Grade 8 (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.79: Grade 3 Students with No School Changes in Four Years (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.80: On-time Pass Rates for the Grade 12 Standards Language Arts Test (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.81: On-time Pass Rates for the Grade 12 Standards Math Test (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.82: High School Completion Rates (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.83: Children in Families Receiving Provincial Income Assistance (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.84: Young Adults Receiving Provincial Income Assistance (XLS)

Appendix Table 2.85: Prevalence of Children in Care (XLS)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
